Sunday, March 23, 2008


Lately, I've become quite a fan of the LOLcats. I'm extremely late to the boat, I know. But this does not make the LOLcats any worse. In fact, I've found that the average recent LOLcat is better than an older one. Anyway, in honour of the site, I've made a LOLcat of my own. (With a little help from a friend). It's not that great, but I don't care.

PS. Note to self:

Golden weapons in Role-playing game: 60 * 20 * original value. Ultimate show of adventuring wealth.
Now playing: The Beatles - Golden Slumbers
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

doood, You need to spell "too much wind" like "2 mutch wind".
Everyone knows cats cant speak English well.


Carsonist said...

I thought about that, but it's tough to miss-spell those particular words. Cat illiteracy is a leading indicator for later cat homelessness and drug use, so please teach your cat to read.