Wednesday, March 28, 2007

China is going to kill everyone on Earth

I just read a book, The Coming China Wars. It's become eminently clear that China is either going to

A) Have a revolution that kills millions.
B) Have a war that kills billions.
C) do both at once.

Also, they're the worst thing for the environment since the USA. To be perfectly serious, I cannot think of a good way for this thing to work out well.


Carsonist said...

I don't think they have the ability to win either, but that doesn't mean they won't try. All we need is some idiot who thinks war is a good idea, or some stupid politician who wants to play hardball, and the world's down the crapper.

Anonymous said...

Rematch of the century.

Carsonist said...

That wouldn't be interesting today. Germany's all sissified.